Is “Being Offended” Over Confederate Symbols the New National Pastime?

By Al Benson Jr. - Posted at RevisedHistory:

As my wife and I pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store where we do our shopping this morning I noticed a pickup truck parked in the lot with a Confederate Naval Jack on a pole, stuck in the back of the truck. The flag had a yellow smiley face on it, and around the smiley face was written: “If this flag offends you then you have made my day.”

While I probably would not have said it quite that way, I can understand the sentiment of the flag owner. I might have said “If this flag offends you then you need a history lesson” or something to that effect, which would have been a true statement. As a Christian, I don’t intentionally set out to “offend” anyone, but I will, to the best of my ability, seek to tell the truth and if that offends someone, then that’s just the way it is. Speaking the truth in love still offends those who don’t want the truth or who don’t want others to have it.

I have watched this past couple weeks (not with wonder anymore; I’m long past that) as the “news” media, the politicians, and various other liars on the left have continued their unremitting purge of anything Southern or Confederate. They remain unabated in their endeavors at ethnic cleansing in the South, and quite frankly, they don’t give a tinker’s damn about who they “offend” in the South. Yet we in the South are supposed to weep and wail because we have “offended” them with our flags and symbols and because we refuse to cave in to their hackneyed rhetoric over what the War of Northern Aggression was really all about. They howl that it was about slavery and treason on the part of the South and they become easily “offended” when we won’t believe such drivel.

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