Doug Wilson: "It was a foolish parent-approved relationship which led to statutory rape, as was shown in the court."

Doug Wilson - Christ Church, Moscow, ID

For The Sake Of Clarity - The Timeline

By Natalie Rose Greenfield - Posted at My Naptime Journal:

"It was a foolish parent-approved relationship which led to statutory rape, as was shown in the court." - @douglaswils

This is a recent tweet from Doug Wilson concerning the long-term sexual abuse I experienced as a young teenager. In light of the level of blame that is being placed on my parents, I feel that a timeline of the events might be helpful in offering some clarity for those that were not directly involved in the situation.

Summer 2001: I met Jamin at a local nursing home where a group of church members were singing hymns for the residents. He introduced himself to me. I was thirteen years old. He was 23.

A few weeks later: I sat at a local coffeehouse and Jamin showed up, sat down across the table from me and asked if I wanted to play cards. He flirted heavily and tossed pretzels into my mouth.

Fall 2000: Jamin came to our house for dinner along with a couple of his roommates, who were longtime friends of our family. He played footsie with me under the table. Our whole family thought he was a pretty great guy and began to consider him a genuine family friend.


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