Marxism and the Bureau of Land Management

Image from Wikipedia
By Al Benson Jr. - Posted at Revised History:

In that infamous document The Communist Manifesto, which the League of the Just (Illuminati) hired deadbeat revolutionary Karl Marx to pen, Marx noted, quite accurately, that: “In this sense, the theory of the Communists may be summed up in a single sentence: Abolition of private property.” In other words, if Marxists of any stripe influence and eventually rule your country–you own nothing. Rather, they own you. Any land you may have thought you owned now belongs to “the People” which, being interpreted, means the State.

It is in that context that you need to begin to look at the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) as an instrument of the Marxist state that has as its agenda the appropriation of any and all land. You may even have a deed “proving” ownership which, to them, is irrelevant. Your deed is really worthless because they have the power to move you off of your land and in a Marxist state such as we now exist in, any and all means to do that are open to them–anything from constant harassment to extermination. After all, if you are in the way you have to go–and the end always justifies the means.

This fits in perfectly with the United Nations Agenda 21 program, whereby people are moved off their land and relocated in nice little mini-ghettos, naturally owned by the State.

Ranchers, farmers and other property owners in the West and in other areas need to begin to realize that the Marxist agenda that is present has as priorities moving them off their land and destroying their culture, lifestyle and worldview. The cultural Marxists in the South are busy trying to destroy the culture and worldview (particularly the Christian part) of the South and, naturally, with that destruction will come the abolition of private property, because the concept of private property is a biblical one and so that has to go.


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