Why Some Christians Don't Celebrate Christmas

By Pastor Karl Baker - Posted at Calvary Baptist Church:

Should a Christian Celebrate Christmas?

Having been a pastor for 30 years, from year to year I am confronted with the question of why are there Christians who do not celebrate or partake of the festivities of Christmas. It seems unimaginable that a professor in Jesus Christ could find fault with Christmas: an apparent unique opportunity to present the coming of our Lord into this world as it's Saviour. Why would anyone want to oppose the undeniable recognition given to Him by the world that he came to redeem? Could there be a negative aspect so strong as to override the tradition that could stir up an animosity against its observance from a true believer? To protest the commercialization or a worldly reveling and such like seem understandable, but to totally reject any association at all with the holiday seems to be unrealistic for any real Christian. Yet, there are those who don't just let December 25th pass in quiet protest of inobservance, but rather openly express an attitude of intolerance as to write, preach and even suffer family disunity in their opposition of it's observance. What is it about December 25th that affects some Christians in this matter? Is it fanaticism? Is there a reasonable cause behind their actions? Does the Word of God say anything that would provoke this minority's views toward Christmas? This pamphlet is intended to help answer these questions.

The first thing to be considered is found within the title of this holiday itself. Christmas is a compound word derived from two words: Christ and Mass that reveal a religious association with the Roman Catholic Church. The institution of Christmas, therefore, is associated with a Roman Catholic Sacrament. It should not be strange then, that Protestants or other Christian churches that do not believe in or practice masses could not be offended with associating Christ with what they consider unscriptural practices. Those who would be opposed to Catholic doctrines, such as observing sacraments to obtain righteousness, would naturally be the ones, to some degree, that would be the most likely to disassociate themselves with this tradition. Therefore, in most cases, although not all, those who have strong feelings against the Catholic Church and her doctrines will be the most likely ones to oppose this tradition.

Another very important point to consider in assessing this matter is the fact that some Christians take the Bible literally when it comes to it's revelation of what pleases God, and what doesn't please Him, concerning how he is to be worshiped. They believe the Bible to be a true revelation of the desires of a benevolent God that reveals, though His word, His will. Tradition to them must have a sound, biblical reason for it's acceptance. Areas where tradition would contradict the Word of God would not be considered a light thing to these Christians. To impose a method or time of observance to honor Him that He himself has not requested or commanded is presumptuous. Did not Isreal, in Exodus 32:1-35, sin in the same manner when they made the golden calf? Did not David, in II Samuel 6:1-11, transgress in the same manner when he tried to bring the ark up to Jerusalem? When David followed the manner of the Philistines in his effort to honor God, rather than the due order revealed in God's word, it caused death and confusion rather than joy and fellowship with God (I Chronicles 15:1-29). Does not I Corinthians 10:1-14 warn us that we, in the same manner, can be displeasing unto God if we are not careful in this manner? When Jesus said, "they that worship God must worship him in spirit and in truth" (John 4:24), was that not a revelation of His will? If Christmas is not the true birthday of His Son, how can God be pleased with its observance? If Christmas is a day of our making for our pleasure, yeah, even a day mixed with error and things which He has revealed to be unpleasing to Him, why would any real Christian think that it is pleasing God? Let me explain, according to all reliable sources, if there's any day which we can reasonably be sure that Christ was not born on, it would be December 25th. Without question, the majority of all Bible scholars and historical writers testify that the Western Church's (Roman Catholic) purpose of using December 25th as the birthday of Jesus Christ was to facilitate the converting of Pagans to Christianity beginning at the latter part of the Fourth Century. There is no historical reference that the birth of Jesus Christ was celebrated before this time by any professing Christians. Furthermore, church history reveals that making December 25th the birthday of our Saviour was to assist the heathen's acceptance of Jesus Christ as the "Sun of Righteousness," because of their deification of the Sun, and its worship.

HT: Steve Lefemine, Columbia Christians for Life
